Post 8 : Personal Opinions

Hello again! today I am going to give you my opinion about responsible ownership of animals. 

Context: The overcrowding of animals is real. You can see dogs and cats (the most common) in the streets. They would be shoddy, form a packs, fights, problems with humans, etc. All of that we can avoid. How? First, informs us:

1) Do not abandon our pets.
2) If you going to have a pet, sterilize.
3) Adopts, do not buy.
4) Have a pet only if you can maitain them.

Having a pet is something  more than a passing fancy, we must be responsible for their welfare. They are living beings and we are the only hope for them because just we can help.  If we have awareness and take the necessary and basics steps the homeless animals begin to decline. The overcrowing, their certain virus diseases that they transmit (Zoonoses), dog fighting, mass killing on part of the authority (yes, is real), to be bitten or scratched by animals, environment pollution (produced by anial faeces) and the most important: their physical and emotional suffering decline too.

You and me can do the different. Learner and lead by example we can do that other people follow suit. The animals are not inferior to us just have less resources for afford a dignified life.

This is my personal opinion about responsible ownership of animals, you can tell me what is your opinion! See you soon on another post! :) 


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